CAPTAIN AMERICA RETAIL PROMO POSTER: Once editor Mark Gruenwald saw the Captain America 286 cover art, he wanted to use it as a retail market promo poster.
SECRET WARS PROMO POSTER: The art for the cover of Secret Wars 1 was also intended to be a retail promo poster. All of the characters appear on the poster, and a few were cropped off of the cover to make room for the title logo.
PUNISHER POSTER 1: My first collaboration with airbrush painter, Phil Zimelman. Originally intended to be the first cover of the Punisher Limited Series, the editor decided it would be a good on-sale poster so we went with that idea.
PUNISHER POSTER 1: Positive film shot from Phil's original painting was used for this print.
PUNISHER POSTER 1: My inked version of the Punisher Poster 1 art.
PUNISHER POSTER 2, is the on-sale poster version of cover 1 from the Punisher Limited Series. Zeck and Zimelman art.
PUNISHER POSTER 3, is the on-sale poster version of cover 3 from the Punisher Limited Series. Zeck and Zimelman art.
PUNISHER POSTER 4, is a painting created specifically for the on-sale poster market. Zeck and Zimelman art.
PUNISHER POSTER 4: Positive film shot from Phil's original painting was used for this print.
CAPTAIN AMERICA POSTER 1: Tom DeFalco requested a 'Cap in action' painting from me and Phil for poster purposes, and this is what we came up with. Zeck and Zimelman art.
CAPTAIN AMERICA POSTER 1: Positive film shot from Phil's original painting was used for this print.
CAPTAIN AMERICA POSTER 1: My inked version of the Punisher Poster 1 art.
CAPTAIN AMERICA POSTER 2: The Captain America Annual 8 cover also became an on-sale poster. Mike Zeck (pencils) John Beatty (inks) Phil Zimelman (color)
IRON MAN POSTER: Phil Zimelman and I created the Iron Man art, then asked Elliot Brown, who specialized in Marvel 'technical' art, to create a blueprint-like background element.
PUNISHER POSTER 5: Phil Zimelman took the art from my Marvel Fanfare Punisher pinup and made a new fully painted version of it for on-sale poster purposes.
CAPTAIN AMERICA POSTER 2: Mike Zeck / Phil Zimelman painting commemorating Captain America's fifty year anniversary.
PUNISHER POSTER 6: Poster version of the Mike Zeck / Phil Zimelman painted cover for the Punisher hardbound graphic novel, 'Return To Big Nothing'.
PUNISHER POSTER 7: My final Punisher on-sale poster was a rare non-painted version. Mike Zeck (pencils) John Beatty (inks)
PUNISHER POSTER 7: My pencil art for the poster.
SOLARMAN: My Solarman issue 1 cover was also printed as a poster.